Morgan Leigh


Gender Female
Height 5' 3''
Body Type Thin
Weight 120
Hair color Brown
Hair length Long
Eyes Blue
Age range 25-29, 30-34
Ethnic appearance Caucasian

Escort Scene_Drama


Roommates Lead Z Jadwick
Brazzy Jazzy Supporting Blue Carioca Films, NY
Wall Street English Supporting EUXmedia, NY
Forgotten Kingdom:Genesis Supporting Solo Lobo Pictures, NY
Honest Deception Lead Heru Ptah, NY
Red Swans Lead Sera Horse, NY
Sign My Petition Lead NYU


Mother Moon Ruby Gene Frankel Theatre/NY
12 Angry Women Juror #12 Producer's Club/NY
The Dancers Inez Wes Grantom/NY
A Young Lady of Property Arabella Wes Grantom/NY
In the Boom Boom Room Susan Conservatory LSTFI/NY


Stand Up Comic The PIT, NY
The Actor's Project Melissa June Havoc Theatre, NY


Acting for film/TV Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute Vincent D'Onofrio (Master class), Paul Calderon
Method Acting Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute-2 year conservatory program Lola Cohen, Robert Ellerman, George Loros
Improv Lee Strasberg Bill Balzac
Vocal Production/ Singing Lee Strasberg Bruce Baumer
Vocal Production/Monologue T Schreiber Page Clements
Stand Up People's Improv Theatre Chris Griggs


Career Bartender/ Restauranteur (12+ years) Former Ballet/Contemporary Dancer (18+yrs/studied around the US, Hungary, and Austria), Creative Writer (Self-Published), Subject for different Painters & Fine Art Photographers, Tai Chi, Psychology (Grad Work),
Basic French, Stand Up, Asst. Directing (Gene Frankel and Producer's Club)