Tangara Jones


Gender Female
Height 5' 6''
Body Type Thin
Weight 108
Hair color Black
Hair length Shoulder Length
Eyes Brown
Age range 20-24, 25-29
Ethnic appearance African-American, Mixed

Valid Green Card Holder

Tangara Jones Actor Reel


Me Too, You Lead Ria Miller/Travis Williams
Lovely Lead Joyce Sheri Booth
Kickass Supporting Marv Films
St.Roz Supporting Lamport-Sheppard Ent.
Repo: The Genetic Opera Supporting Repo Opera Prod. Can. Inc.
Gangster Exchange Supporting Aquila Pictures
Bull Supporting GCC Productions Inc.


Blue Bloods Nurse CBS/Ralph Hemecker
Dan For Mayor Co-star CTV
City TV New Years Bash Dancer Divine Brown/ City TV
Degrassi: The Next Generation Co-star Epitome Pictures/Noggin/CTV
Beautiful People Co-star Cliffwood Prod./ ABC Family


The Eve of Jackie Choreogrpaher Chess Not Checkers Inc.
Songs From The Book Of James Aunt Rose Copro Record Company Inc,
A Christmas Carol Harlequin Soulpepper Theatre Company
Urbanesque Dynasti/Host Hollywood Presents
I Think I Can Frufie Young People's Theatre Company/NAC
Divine Brown Canadian Tour Dancer Warner Music Canada
Disney's The Lion King (Toronto) Ensemble Dancer Mirvish Productions
Regal Cruises Ensemble Dancer Jean Ann Ryan Productions




Boys & Girls: The Series Co-star Michael "Boogie" Pinckney
Meet The Tap Firm Lead Matthew Brown


Directing Actors Intensive The Independant Film School Ela Thier
Advanced Audition Bootcamp MN Acting Studio Matt Newton
On Camera Scene Study/Intensives/Voice Over Actors Connection Dani Super, Carrie Faverty/Various
On Camera Intensives The Actor's Green Room Various
On Camera Scene Study/Comedy/ Audition Technique Armstrong Acting Studio Dean Armstrong/ Various
Triple Threat Program Randolph Academy for the Performing Arts Various


Dance: Ballet, jazz, tap, hip hop, Afro-Carribean, Drivers Lisence, Passport. Currently learning bass guitar