A 6-Week Special Theater Program on New Works & the Collaborative Process with Producers, Playwrights, & Directors culminating in an Invited Reading & Industry Showcase (with FOUR Agents & Managers)! 

Throughout 6-weeks, you will get to work in-depth under the guidance of New York Theater Workshop’s Associate Artistic Director Rachel Silverman and collaborate with two Playwrights and one Theater Director on vignettes specifically written for you culminating in an Invited Reading & Industry Showcase (with FOUR Agents & Managers).

These New Works will be made possible by meeting once a week for table work and rehearsals. The Producers/Playwrights/Directors will get the opportunity to rework and rewrite your scenes in between classes. 

To close out the 6-weeks, you will have the chance to meet with Rachel in a Private Appointment to discuss your career goals and next steps moving forward. She will give you feedback & insight from her perspective as a theater producer.

What you get out of this Special Program:

Dive into the core fundamentals of collaborating face-to-face with a Producer/Playwright/Director on a New Work, mirroring the dynamic of a professional New York theater production of a new play.

Receive the COVETED experience of creating a NEW ROLE that is written and SHAPED with YOUR INPUT.

Start long-lasting relationships with established playwrights as well as a prominent producer at a renowned NYC theater institution.

Forge meaningful connections with your fellow artists and immerse yourself in a vibrant community over the span of six weeks.

Craft fresh material uniquely suited to showcase your acting talents and enhance your castability.

Walk away with a scene that will serve as an invaluable tool not only for this immersive experience but also as an asset for future classes and showcases. 

Be center stage at the Invited Reading & Industry Showcase and gain exposure to some of the most sought-after theater professionals in NYC.

To register or for more information please email SpecialPrograms@oneononenyc.com