Strategy Sessions with One on One / Next Level’s President
Create a Roadmap & Strategy to #Success!
As a Member, you have access to a plethora of Online and In-Person programming to assist you in making professional connections and sharpening your skills as an actor. It can be easy to feel overwhelmed with all the choices & paths possible here at our studio due to our unparalleled industry & programming lineup.
Strategy Sessions are held on Zoom and led by One on One / Next Level’s President who has an intimate knowledge of the studio’s programming & industry lineup as well as the best strategies to achieve your goals. Throughout the studio’s 30+ years as the industry leader, we’ve carefully tracked our members’ successes and identified the strategies & paths that lead there. In our Strategy Sessions, we will go over the the paths & strategies that have most often led our members to attain their goals and help you create a custom roadmap that best matches your own goals. In addition, we’ll review the current trends affecting this ever-changing industry and how those trends affect your goals, projects you want to work on, and the gatekeepers you seek to forge relationships with.
At the end, you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions about our Studio’s unparalleled Resources and Programming (Online and In-Person) and further refine your individualized path here at One on One / Next Level.
PLEASE NOTE: prior to enrolling in a Strategy Session, you MUST HAVE PREVIOUSLY ATTENDED A NEW MEMBER START UP ZOOM (click here for the link). This pre-requisite is for your benefit as Strategy Sessions build & expand on the information covered during our New Member Start Up Zooms. Our Strategy Sessions are designed to cover enhanced tools & strategies under the assumption that you have a foundation from having previously attended a New Member Start Up Zoom.